SCC and RingCentral – Creating a Collaborative Culture in Local Government

Local authorities deliver personalised services to citizens

  Business continuity, communication and collaboration has now fully come to the forefront. These three critical ingredients are vital to local government service delivery and present a valuable opportunity for driving transformation of staff, citizens and communities. In local government’s ever-changing environment, cloud-based technology can support new and future working practices, increasing staff productivity through the use of integrated messaging, video meetings and phone calls, from any device – a significant investment that every council must now consider. Cloud-based communications mean councils can work smarter and move away from disjointed systems. Using a single platform, councils can engage in real-time chats, file sharing, the easy transfer of calls by using internal dialling to reach colleagues more quickly and launch video conferences – in just a few clicks. With an all-in-one workspace for every council size, staff mobility and collaboration are no longer barriers to productivity, which in turn elevates the customer experience. The new generation of communications and collaboration tools are here for the taking. It’s time for councils to plan for transformational sustainability, better operational efficiency, staff engagement, front line services and, most importantly, heightening the customer experience.

The below video explores how SCC and RingCentral are working in partnership to deliver a solution to these challenges…

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Why SCC and RingCentral?

There is no better time to think about how your organisation will support a growing remote and flexible work culture. That’s why SCC has created a new strategic alliance with RingCentral, extending SCC’s market-leading product portfolio with RingCentral’s best-in-class solutions. RingCentral’s Unified communications solutions offer messaging, video, and phone to streamline collaboration and drive employee productivity across the board. With everything in a single platform, employees can switch between messaging and video calling, for example, with just a click. Unlike with separate apps, there’s no need to toggle from one to another.

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