While employees demand flexibility and remote work, this has to be balanced with business objectives. Many employees who work from home too often struggle to build working relationships, or gain the knowledge they need to maximise their productivity, due to lack of in-person contact. This is where having an effective Digital Workplace strategy becomes crucial, allowing organisations to enable hybrid work models that meet employee demands while still facilitating collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Key challenges in a changing landscape


Varying workplace demands

Every employee is different in what they want inside and outside of work, so a flexible approach is essential for satisfying everyone.


The need for a detailed hybrid strategy

Businesses need to provide everything an employee needs to be fully productive, wherever and whenever they’re working.


Decreasing talent pool

The best employees are getting harder to attract and retain, which means competition for them is increasing, as are their demands for more flexible and employee-friendly working arrangements.


Long-term talent backfilling

Many experienced employees left their industries during the pandemic, and that experience has not been replaced. Training up newer employees to the same skill level is a task that will take several years.


Escalating salaries

Wage rates are increasing across the board, but particularly so among top talent, which is making it difficult or even impossible for some organisations to bring in the skills they need.


New security vulnerabilities

Different devices and connection points can introduce an extra layer of vulnerability that cybercriminals can exploit; user access demands have to be balanced with keeping data, systems and applications safe.

Solutions for a smarter Digital Workplace

The tech talent shortage has created significant challenges for organisations. At SCC, we offer innovative solutions to help you navigate this landscape and optimise your Digital Workplace strategy to provide the experiences employees are seeking:

Predictive analytics and monitoring

Analyse how employees leverage technology, hybrid work trends and day-to-day processes across networks, cloud support channels, procurement, deployment and operations. Assessing your current Digital Workplace environment and desired outcomes, we help support better employee experiences through monitoring, management and best practices that encourage continuous improvement. 

Device right-sizing

SCC can help you match device types and sizes to workload performance and capacity requirements, so that you can strike the perfect balance of productivity and cost efficiency.

Intelligent refreshing

All IT elements need regular updating in order to maximise performance and reinforce security. Scheduling refreshes on an ongoing basis allows for the continual rollout of new technology, including networking, infrastructure, firewalls and wireless networks, and for the peaks and troughs of tech investment to be smoothed out.

Persona mapping and profiling

We can establish detailed persona profiles of your typical users, understanding their usual business activity, and the devices and application access they need. This can then better inform IT purchasing and refresh strategies, including whether refurbished kit provides a value-for-money option for less intensive users.

IT support service desk

Our Digital Experience Platform can help you monitor not only the performance of your Digital Workplace solutions, but also the overall experience. It takes into account connectivity end-to-end, to pinpoint the exact cause of any problems in video calls or other collaboration mediums. This allows for faster and more focused resolutions, and better collaboration experiences for all.

Collaboration tools

AI-powered meeting rooms bring people together, wherever and whenever they’re working, through a combination of hardware and software. Virtual and physical collaboration is made seamless through speech recognition, real-time translation, call quality analysis, meeting workflow capturing and much more.

The benefits of the Digital Workplace

Stand out in the job market

Develop a more attractive hybrid approach, including frictionless meetings, meaning you can offer the work-from-anywhere set-up that top talent is looking for.

Widen your talent pool

Break down the geographical barriers to your recruitment, and access employees from all over the world, including territories where the cost of living may be more affordable.

Boost employee wellbeing

Employees that are happier with their working arrangements will be more motivated, more productive, and more likely to be loyal to the organisation in the long-term.

Proactively resolve issues

Proactively monitoring user experiences means potential issues can be promptly identified and addressed before impacting business operations or employee productivity.

How SCC can help

We understand that no business and no employee are the same. This means your business needs a combination of collaboration technology, IT skills and workplace-related expertise. At SCC, we combine all of this into our overarching approach to the Digital Workplace: a tailor-made suite of solutions that can flex and adjust as your business needs change, as your workforce evolves, or as your organisation scales. We work to establish your objectives across your business and workforce, and identify the technology, working practices and refresh strategies to help you get there.

Get a Digital Workplace that’s future-ready

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