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    How edge computing can solve your cloud migration challenges
    Businesses all over the world are having to deal with an unprecedented amount of data – and it’s growing all the time. This is down to increased digitisation and the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) that has expanded the range of data collection points. While there’s a natural tendency to deal with this...

    How edge computing can solve your cloud migration challenges

    All your data in one place! Meet SCC’s new Unify platform
    SCC Unify, an Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) engine that puts all your data into one dashboard, has just launched. The single location platform arranges different types of data into a more consumable insight, allowing the user to visualise and understand it, as well as make actions. Layers of automation and alerting...

    All your data in one place! Meet SCC’s new Unify platform

    IoT Podcast Series
    We have are proud to announce our new IoT Podcast series where we will be interviewing multiple guests across the IoT supply-chain. Episode 1: Internet of Things Introduction Hear us torture one of our IoT engineers Arjun Puri in a series of questions relating to the upcoming episodes. Hosts: Tyrran Ferguson – Head of AI/IoT,...

    IoT Podcast Series

    IoT Asset Tracking Webinar
    This webinar episode covers our IoT Asset Tracking solution. Please join Tyrran Ferguson (Head of IoT / AI) to go through how we deploy our IoT solutions and for a demonstration of our Asset Tracking dashboard. He is joined by Pete Norton from Net4, and Gary de Bruin (IoT / AI Technologist) who go into...

    IoT Asset Tracking Webinar

    Emerging technologies – where can they be used in your organisation?
    Solving problems in new ways with new technologies Can emerging technologies such as AI, IoT, RPA and NLU have a role to play in your organisation? Or are they just the latest in a series of terms that will inevitably be over-hyped by analysts and suppliers, but ultimately be of little practical use to most...

    Emerging technologies – where can they be used in your organisation?

    The biggest IT trends for the rest of 2019
    What technology trends are we set to see making appearances in businesses up and down the UK this year? We predict what will be the biggest and most impactful technologies. Chatbots Chatbots have been around for a little while now but they’re set to become more intelligent and more emotionally sound. With the help of...

    The biggest IT trends for the rest of 2019

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