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    SCC & Scrive: Improve customer experience and compliance with eSign online
    An online signing portal, often referred to as an electronic signature platform or e-signature solution, plays a significant role in modern business and IT management. The importance of an online signing portal lies in its ability to streamline and digitise the document signing process, leading to increased efficiency, cost savings, improved security and compliance, accessibility,...

    SCC & Scrive: Improve customer experience and compliance with eSign online

    Keeping finance data safe and compliant
    Data security and compliance are now core to day-to-day life in many industries, and certainly in the banking and finance world. The combination of increased data volumes, tightening compliance rules and rising customer expectations (both for security and user experience) means that many businesses in the sector need to take more action. Getting security and...

    Keeping finance data safe and compliant

    Blog: Supporting cost control for transport and logistics with technology

    Blog: Supporting cost control for transport and logistics with technology

    Building a brighter future: cost control in construction

    Building a brighter future: cost control in construction

    Blog: Is your police data as safe as it could be?

    Blog: Is your police data as safe as it could be?

    Are you leveraging the true potential of your collaboration solutions?
    If we told you there was game-changing ROI hiding within your business, the meeting room might not be the first place you’d look. However, whether you’ve rolled out collaboration solutions through necessity, as a proof of concept, to facilitate hybrid work or to better engage with customers and partners, deployment is only half the battle....

    Are you leveraging the true potential of your collaboration solutions?

    SCC and Derbyshire County Council: a new approach to print

    SCC and Derbyshire County Council: a new approach to print

    Driving new efficiencies in manufacturing supply chains
    The manufacturing sector is facing a number of different pressures at the moment, especially in the UK. A combination of high energy costs, high rates of inflation, import and export admin resulting from Brexit, and a demand to pay employees higher wages are all impacting the ability of manufacturers to run profitably. Many of these...

    Driving new efficiencies in manufacturing supply chains

    Driving better transport and logistics supply chains with tech
    The transport and logistics sector is one of the unsung heroes of British industry: after all, it’s what keeps goods and people moving around the country and beyond, every single day. It’s a major contributor to the UK economy, and its current growth is being fuelled in no small part by the rise of eCommerce:...

    Driving better transport and logistics supply chains with tech

    SCC Document Services and SER partner to offer AI-powered Intelligent Content Automation
    This landmark partnership will bring SER’s Intelligent Content Automation platform Doxis to SCC customers and organisations in UK to transform the way businesses manage documents and associated workflows to support their Digital Transformation process. Doxis Intelligent Content Automation is designed to help businesses : SER is acclaimed by major analysts and scored highest among all...

    SCC Document Services and SER partner to offer AI-powered Intelligent Content Automation

    Blog: Streamlining operations in local government

    Blog: Streamlining operations in local government

    Why streamlining police operations is vital
    While policing in the UK is respected around the world and sets many standards for other forces to follow, it faces similar pressures to other industries in terms of modernisation and delivering the service that the public expects. This pressure is particularly relevant now, at a time when governmental funding for the police service is...

    Why streamlining police operations is vital

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