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SCC provides a dedicated proactive account management for all NDNA customers, with aligned contacts who are responsible for the strategic and day-to-day management of accounts. This dedicated account management is specifically aligned to our UK education customers and therefore understands the critical nature of service delivery within the sector and have awareness and knowledge of...

SCC, Europe’s largest independent IT solutions firm, has been named as a supplier on Crown Commercial Service’s (CCS) Big Data and Analytics agreement. SCC has been awarded a Framework Contract for Lot 2 on the agreement, which offers commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software specifically for big data and analytics capabilities to Public Sector organisations. This includes:...
SCC named on CCS Big Data and Analytics Agreement

SCC, Europe’s largest independent IT solutions provider, has been named as a supplier on Crown Commercial Service’s (CCS) RM6174 Multifunctional Devices (MFDs), Print and Digital Workflow Software Services and Managed Print Service Provision agreement. SCC was successful in Lot 2: Multifunctional Print Devices (MFDs), Print Management and/or Digital Workflow Software and Associated Services. Through this...
CCS agreement extends SCC’s MPS offering to public sector

SCC has been named as a supplier on the prestigious Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Technology Services 3 (TS3) Framework, through which Public Sector bodies in the UK can procure a range of ICT services. This ensures SCC maintains its position on the next iteration of the successful Technology Services 2 (TS2) Framework. TS3 builds on...
SCC named as a supplier on CCS Technology Services Framework

SCC has once again extended its reach into the public sector after being awarded a place on the Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO) Network Connectivity and Telecommunication Solutions framework. The new framework gives public sector organisations a route to procure goods, works and services covering network connectivity, smart cities and IOT, cyber security, telecommunication and mobile,...
SCC enhances public sector offering with YPO framework award

SCC has extended its cloud services offering to the public sector after being awarded a place on the G-Cloud 12 framework. Europe’s biggest independent technology solutions provider has been included on every iteration of the government’s Crown Commercial Service (CCS) G-Cloud framework since its inception in 2012, with its latest inclusion a natural progression of...
SCC secures place on G-Cloud 12 framework

SCC has made it onto the list of resellers for the NHS’s ‘end-to-end’ IT framework. The Digital Workplace Solutions framework is managed by NHS Shared Business Services (SBS) and replaces the predecessor ‘Link: IT Solutions’ which provides an OJEU-compliant route to market for the procurement of full end-to-end IT solutions, and individual elements of IT...
SCC secures place on NHS Framework for Digital Workplace Solutions

SCC are pleased to announce that we have been given a place on the London Procurement Partnership (LPP) NHS framework. This framework is a key win for our team who have worked diligently to create a proposal that is effective and enticing to the LPP. The LPP is concerned with driving improved procurement and commercial...
SCC Awarded Place on the LPP Framework

SCC have been named as a supplier on Crown Commercial Service’s (CCS) Technology Products & Associated Services (TePAS) framework. This framework will run in parallel with Technology Products 2 (RM3733), which has been extended to March 2020 for Lots 1-5, and to October 2020 for Lot 6. Crown Commercial Service supports the public sector to...
SCC Awarded Place on the CCS Technology Products & Associated Services (TePAS) Framework

SCC has won a place on the Crown Commercial Service Postal Goods, Services and Solutions Framework. This framework offers a full range of Business Process Outsourcing, Mailroom, Document and Data Managed Services including mail opening and digital scanning services that support digital transformation agenda for mail and communications. This is a significant win for SCC...
SCC Awarded Place on the CCS Postal Goods, Services and Solutions Framework

Europe’s largest independent IT services business, SCC, has been awarded a place on the NEUPC Higher Education Networking Framework (ITS 2004NE) for three ‘Lots’. SCC, founded by British entrepreneur Sir Peter Rigby, provides businesses a vast range of IT services, supporting organisations with all their technology needs. Though new to the Framework, SCC scored very...
SCC proves service quality to get on NEUPC Framework

It’s too easy to focus on the benefits of digitalisation for private businesses, but the effect of a digital-first strategy on the public sector is just as impactful, if not more. The government, unlike private organisations, doesn’t have the same pressures when it comes to taking the decision to go digital, they do not have...