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    Innovation Island
    Welcome to Innovation Island During their 2023 annual voyage, Innovation Island was discovered by SCC with the help of its open-source partner, Red Hat. Here SCC and Red Hat found a home for three of their products; Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Red Hat OpenShift, and Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform. Come and discover the endless...

    Innovation Island

    SCC and Red Hat help fans return safely to sports stadiums
    The European football season has ended, but all eyes are on clubs up and down the leagues as they prepare to host fans in grounds and stadiums next season. The same scrutiny is being applied to tennis, rugby, cricket and other sports. The clubs and their respective governing bodies want to implement new technologies and...

    SCC and Red Hat help fans return safely to sports stadiums

    Creating a simpler, more seamless banking experience
    Traditional financial services institutions (FSIs) are under immense pressure to evolve. In an industry that has been disrupted by advances in technology and newer, tech-savvy challengers, FSIs must adapt if they want to attract and retain customers who demand a simple, seamless banking experience. At a time of considerable volatility within financial markets – the...

    Creating a simpler, more seamless banking experience

    Automating healthcare for better patient outcomes
    Healthcare providers are under enormous pressure to see more and more patients every day, each one with unique, sometimes complex, circumstance that require specialist care. Clinicians bear the brunt of this expectation, as they deliver an appropriate level of care to as many patients as possible, prioritising where needed, as quickly as they can. Healthcare...

    Automating healthcare for better patient outcomes

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