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The British Government has a target of a 68% reduction of emissions by 2030 and by 78% by 2035. Its goal is for net-zero emissions by 2050. Just as the Government has outlined its net zero ambition, corporate organisations are setting ambitious targets for reducing their carbon footprint and increasing sustainability. One of the biggest...
DVaaS and the circular economy
Sustainability is high on most corporate agendas. Previously, sustainability was viewed as corporate philanthropy: a ‘nice to have’ that was great for marketing but had little impact on the overall corporate strategy. This perspective has changed significantly in recent years, as business leaders respond to changing consumer habits which demand sustainable business practices and can...
How to help meet your CSR targets through sustainable supply chain services
In the classic Only Fools and Horses scene, Trigger proudly reveals he has used the same broom for 20 years, boasting: “This old thing has had 17 new heads and 14 new handles!”. Much like Trigger’s broom, legacy IT systems, some dating back to the 1970s, are often held together with sticky plaster fixes, posing...
What Trigger’s broom can teach us about cybersecurity
When it comes to refreshing IT equipment, organisations who pay cash for tech assets are often bound by the balance sheet, as Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) and Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) clash on what is an appropriate length of time for a refresh cycle. “Is it still working?” “Yes.” “Good. Let’s talk in 12 months.”...
How DVaaS can help harmonise your boardroom
Traditional financial services institutions (FSIs) are under immense pressure to evolve. In an industry that has been disrupted by advances in technology and newer, tech-savvy challengers, FSIs must adapt if they want to attract and retain customers who demand a simple, seamless banking experience. At a time of considerable volatility within financial markets – the...
Creating a simpler, more seamless banking experience
Buy bad, Buy twice: Exploring Increased Investment in Homeworking bundles As we approach the one-year anniversary of COVID-19 forcing the UK and other countries into strict lockdown measures, we all know in great detail about the impact it has had on our working lives. We’ve read about and discussed at length the requirement for organisations...
Buy bad, Buy twice
Discover how you can reduce costs with IBM’s new “storage made simple” portfolio. During this webinar, you will learn: – Portfolio Simplification – Software Foundation for Hybrid Multi-Cloud and Resilience – RedHat Open Shift and Cloud Paks – Cloud-Based Storage Management – Acquisition Made Simple: Pay as you Grow Options Want...
On-demand webinar | SCC and IBM: Storage made Simple
Digital transformation has already revolutionised the aviation industry, with innovative new business models rapidly transforming core and non-core functions for early adopters. Partnerships with technology solutions providers such as SCC And HPE are driving overall corporate strategies – with IT taking a much bigger role than ever before at the boardroom table. Many are realising...
SCC and HPE: Leading digital transformation in the aviation industry
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, more people were flying than ever before. Each year, passenger numbers through major and regional UK airports increased, with more routes and better choice for all types of aviation – including consumer holidays abroad, ‘staycations’, and regional business commuting. As a result, the need for aviation organisations to offer the best...
Digital transformation in the aviation industry
COVID-19 has changed everything – from social distancing becoming the new norm to constant sanitisation, broken supply chains and widespread homeworking. These changes have been devastating to many industries – highlighting the fragility of business models and holes in security networks. They also represent an opportunity for businesses to evolve and become better – but...
SCC and Fortinet: Leading the fightback with Zero-Trust Network Access in the retail sector – Blog
SCC and IBM are pleased to bring you a short series of webinars related to the IT challenges that you face in delivering best value in the emerging new normal business world. They will take you through this 4 part series to give you a better understanding of how SCC and IBM can help you...
Webinar Series | SCC and IBM: Business in the New Normal World | Part 1 of 4
Discover how you can reduce costs with IBM’s new “storage made simple” portfolio. During this webinar, you will learn: – Portfolio Simplification – Software Foundation for Hybrid Multi-Cloud and Resilience – RedHat Open Shift and Cloud Paks – Cloud-Based Storage Management – Acquisition Made Simple: Pay as you Grow Options Want to know more? Get...