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As the clock struck midnight on 1st January 2019, the IT channel was awash with predictions about what will dominate the technology industry in 2019. In the UK Public Sector – against a backdrop of the most stringent data security regulations ever and the B-word hijacking most discussions – we take a look at what’s...
5 Tech Trends in the Public Sector
Digital transformation is redefining what we think about our place of work. At the heart of this evolution are technologies and the introduction of digital first natives into the workplace. Businesses need to embrace digital transformation and the technology that will create the modern workplace, embracing flexibility and collaboration, in order to attract and keep...
Digital Transformation in Action
Europe’s largest independent IT services business, SCC, has been awarded a place on the NEUPC Higher Education Networking Framework (ITS 2004NE) for three ‘Lots’. SCC, founded by British entrepreneur Sir Peter Rigby, provides businesses a vast range of IT services, supporting organisations with all their technology needs. Though new to the Framework, SCC scored very...