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SCC have carried out a research project into workplace productivity, where a panel of 550 IT decision-makers were surveyed from 11 different sectors. This included both public and private sectors across the UK in police, education, local government, central government, healthcare, national security & defence, banking & finance, energy & utilities, manufacturing, retail, and travel...
Workplace Productivity IT Insights Report
Artificial intelligence (AI) brings the potential for teaching to be enhanced and tailored to the needs of the individual student – but while it certainly has a place, it won’t be taking over from real-life lecturers completely for some time yet, says Amiee Gallagher, Education Business Development Executive at SCC. At the World Innovation Summit...
Could AI change the way we teach?
Big tech companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Google and Apple are all very interested in education. Up to now, they have restricted their involvement to being providers of enabling technology to the sector. But what might happen if they decided to try and enter the market as providers of education? The sheer scale of the big...
Is education the next target for the tech giants?
According to one Harvard Business School professor, many higher educational institutions could be put out of business within ten years due to the rise of online learning? But is it a threat or an opportunity for HE – Amiee Gallagher, Education Business Development Executive at SCC, believes it is both. We all know what technophiles...
Everything’s changed – nothing has changed
SCC have been named as a supplier on Crown Commercial Service’s (CCS) Technology Products & Associated Services (TePAS) framework. This framework will run in parallel with Technology Products 2 (RM3733), which has been extended to March 2020 for Lots 1-5, and to October 2020 for Lot 6. Crown Commercial Service supports the public sector to...
SCC Awarded Place on the CCS Technology Products & Associated Services (TePAS) Framework
SCC has won a place on the Crown Commercial Service Postal Goods, Services and Solutions Framework. This framework offers a full range of Business Process Outsourcing, Mailroom, Document and Data Managed Services including mail opening and digital scanning services that support digital transformation agenda for mail and communications. This is a significant win for SCC...
SCC Awarded Place on the CCS Postal Goods, Services and Solutions Framework
Migrating to the cloud is not a task you should approach lightly. But with proper resourcing and detailed planning, using the right people, processes, tools and technology, your migration could revolutionise your organisation.
Cloud Migration Whitepaper
Our webinar on the 7 key features of cloud adoption discussed how cloud adoption can be seamless and within budget. From infrastructure and mobility to virtualisation and applications, the webinar outlined how cloud offers competitive advantages over traditional solutions and is transforming the entire IT ecosystem. To review the presentation on demand at your convenience,...
7 Key Features of Cloud Adoption Webinar Presentation
SCC is proud to announce our position on the Jisc framework to supply Cisco, HPE/Aruba and Fortinet products and services to UK Universities and Colleges. Modern networks are the backbone of all campuses. Most users take their IT networks for granted and just expect them to work, but user experience is only as good as...
SCC has won a place on the Jisc Framework
A slow response to cyber attacks is leaving UK organisations with critical vulnerabilities, resulting in catastrophic breaches, reputational damage and fines by the Information Commissioner’s Office for non compliance. Recent statistics published have unearthed a catalogue of errors and indecisions by IT teams that often result in breaches going unnoticed for 14 days, while attack...
The Golden Hour of Cyber Security
SCC are amongst a host of resellers who have won a place on a coveted £400m public sector framework. The Data Centres, Maintenance, Cloud Hosting and Security framework is run by Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO), which supplies 19,000 customers in public sector institutions including schools, local authorities and the emergency services. The procurement vehicle is...
SCC win spot on £400m framework
The ICO has started to enforce GDPR and impose fines for non-compliance and many universities are still struggling to close down all their vulnerabilities – they will need to act soon, or risk being exposed to penalties. In May 2018, the University of Greenwich was fined £120,000 by the UK Information Commissioner following a “serious”...