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    Exploring collaboration evolution in the UK Public Sector
    The digital revolution is here – but the journey to transformation isn’t always straight forward, particularly in the UK public sector. With many priorities to consider, organisations must look to digital transformation to reduce cost, increase multi-authority collaboration, improve public services, tighten security, consolidate silos and systems, automate processes, and deliver real business value. This...

    Exploring collaboration evolution in the UK Public Sector

    Collaborate, Control Cost, Protect Your Data – Imperatives for the UK Public Sector
    Enabling Cross Authority Collaboration in the UK Public Sector The digital revolution is here – but the journey to transformation isn’t always straight forward, particularly in the UK public sector. With many priorities to consider, organisations must look to digital transformation to reduce cost, increase multi-authority collaboration, improve public services, tighten security, consolidate silos and...

    Collaborate, Control Cost, Protect Your Data – Imperatives for the UK Public Sector

    SCC enhances public sector offering with YPO framework award
    SCC has once again extended its reach into the public sector after being awarded a place on the Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO) Network Connectivity and Telecommunication Solutions framework. The new framework gives public sector organisations a route to procure goods, works and services covering network connectivity, smart cities and IOT, cyber security, telecommunication and mobile,...

    SCC enhances public sector offering with YPO framework award

    SCC secures place on G-Cloud 12 framework
    SCC has extended its cloud services offering to the public sector after being awarded a place on the G-Cloud 12 framework. Europe’s biggest independent technology solutions provider has been included on every iteration of the government’s Crown Commercial Service (CCS) G-Cloud framework since its inception in 2012, with its latest inclusion a natural progression of...

    SCC secures place on G-Cloud 12 framework

    IT Security: The long-term view post-COVID-19
    The immediate impact of COVID-19 on business and, in particular, IT teams was clear for all to see. At the drop of a hat organisations had to enable homeworking for every eligible employee – causing major disruption to business-as-usual, creating a sudden shift in IT security focus, causing chaos to existing projects and IT budgets,...

    IT Security: The long-term view post-COVID-19

    IT security priorities in the aftermath of COVID-19
    The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a rethinking of investment priorities for organisations around the globe, forcing IT decision-makers to make critical choices about whether to reallocate funds from long standing IT security projects, evidenced in SCC’s latest IT Insights Report for IT Security. The report, based on the opinions of 550 IT decision-makers from 11...

    IT security priorities in the aftermath of COVID-19

    IT Security: 6 ways to protect your business from within
    Lack of staff training and awareness around IT security is a much bigger risk to organisations since the COVID-19 pandemic, according to SCC’s most recent IT Insights Report, a series commissioned by SCC to gain valuable insight into the UK IT market, in which we surveyed 550 IT decision-makers from 11 different sectors about the...

    IT Security: 6 ways to protect your business from within

    UK businesses committed to IT security despite COVID-19 challenges
    As the UK turns its attention to recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and enters a new way of working, new research from SCC suggests businesses are prepared to tackle the enhanced challenge of IT security head-on, despite the coronavirus crisis offering up new opportunities for would-be cyber criminals. According to SCC’s latest IT Insights Survey,...

    UK businesses committed to IT security despite COVID-19 challenges

    SCC secures place on NHS Framework for Digital Workplace Solutions
    SCC has made it onto the list of resellers for the NHS’s ‘end-to-end’ IT framework. The Digital Workplace Solutions framework is managed by NHS Shared Business Services (SBS) and replaces the predecessor ‘Link: IT Solutions’ which provides an OJEU-compliant route to market for the procurement of full end-to-end IT solutions, and individual elements of IT...

    SCC secures place on NHS Framework for Digital Workplace Solutions

    Demystifying N365
    An agreement struck between NHSX, NHS Digital and Microsoft will save the NHS hundreds of millions of pounds and enable all eligible organisations in England to access Microsoft 365 digital tools. The agreement guarantees significant cost savings for both individual NHS organisations and the NHS as a whole, which will improve productivity, enhance collaboration and...

    Demystifying N365

    SCC and Cisco: Zero Trust Security in Higher Education
    Security challenges in higher education are uniquely different due to the diverse user groups that require various network access privileges and one of the highest rates of people bringing their own device onto the network. Therefore, universities require a comprehensive approach to security, particularly with so much sensitive, personal and financial data at risk. With...

    SCC and Cisco: Zero Trust Security in Higher Education

    SCC and Cisco: Boosting University Recruitment
    Each year, tens of thousands of college students enter Clearing, a system that operates between July and September and offers a second chance to achieve a place at university for students who have declined an offer, received no offers, missed the deadline, or missed the grades. Last year, more than 60,000 students were accepted through...

    SCC and Cisco: Boosting University Recruitment

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