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Data safety is paramount, and encryption may be a significant step in order to keep you safe. So what is it and what should you encrypt? Your business doesn’t deal with highly confidential data, so you don’t need to encrypt your data, right? Wrong. Although ‘data encryption’may sound like something that only happens in institutes...
Cyber Security: Should you be encrypting your data?
Rigby Group (RG) plc, the parent company for a portfolio of family-owned and highly successful businesses operating across Europe, the Middle East and Asia, has sold leading data connectivity aggregator FluidOne to Livingbridge for an undisclosed sum. Rigby Group initially invested in Fluidata in 2015 to drive the next phase of growth for the leading...
Rigby Group completes FluidOne sale to Livingbridge
SCC walked away with a prestigious trophy at the Cisco Do Good Awards 2019 on Thursday 21st February. Taking place at Cisco’s UK Partner Forum in Liverpool, the awards aim to celebrate the contributions and achievements of individuals and businesses for their incredible work within the community. SCC’s charitable work in France, as part of the...
SCC wins Cisco Community Impact Award
Data centres have become an integral factor of private and hybrid cloud strategies. As the cloud continues to grow in popularity, as businesses look to take advantage of digital trends, data centres are more in demand – but what are the main drivers? Cloud adoption The shift to the cloud> is no big secret; in fact, according...
What’s driving data centre demand and should you follow suit?
Digital transformation is now the norm for a majority of businesses, according to a new report by The Economist Intelligence Unit. From the 303 senior executives from around the world who were surveyed, 73% have had digital transformation initiatives in place for two years or longer. As well as this, 58% say they are achieving...
Is the IT department becoming disconnected during Digital Transformation?
It was a big year for cyber security in 2018. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force, demonstrating the serious nature of confidential data and keeping it safe. For those who fail to align their practices to the regulation, they face the consequences of a hefty fine, which could potentially destroy their business....