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    SCC awarded ServiceNow Elite Partner status
    SCC, Europe’s largest privately-owned IT solutions firm, has been awarded ServiceNow Elite Partner status. The award follows two years of investment in people, certifications, and customers to broaden SCC’s skills and satisfaction scoring, and evidence the specialist expertise within its Digital Automation Practice. Previously a Specialist Partner, Elite Partner status propels SCC into a much...

    SCC awarded ServiceNow Elite Partner status

    IBM Blueworks Live & Business Automation Workflow: Fine-Tuning Productivity
    If we think of businesses like animals, we find they often operate instinctively – rather than trying to truly understand how things work. But, there’s a viable solution. IBM and SCC have partnered to unify IBM Business Automation Workflow and IBM Blueworks Live, two powerful workflow systems that allow organisations to see the bigger picture....

    IBM Blueworks Live & Business Automation Workflow: Fine-Tuning Productivity

    Digital automation in local government
    Today, local authorities are facing increased pressure to improve public service delivery, but to do so with fewer resources. Tightening budgets, limits on how much they can raise council tax, and increasing populations means they are constantly challenged to do more with less. In parallel, expectations from the public are rising, to the point where...

    Digital automation in local government

    How to implement a programme of continuous digital automation
    With the universal need for businesses to operate more and more parts of their business at increasing speed, automation has become the cornerstone of every good digital transformation strategy. And there’s no doubt that opportunities for digital automation are all around us – to make the execution of tasks quicker, cheaper, more efficient and more...

    How to implement a programme of continuous digital automation

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