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    Rigby Capital, Lombard and SCC, are delighted to have won Asset Finance Connect’s Environment Award 2024
    The collaboration which provides end-to-end technology services as a single ‘as-a service’ solution, enabling customers to invest in technology and reduce their electronic waste – was launched in November last year.  A key goal is to prevent over a million electronic devices such as company mobile phones and laptops from becoming landfill over the next...

    Rigby Capital, Lombard and SCC, are delighted to have won Asset Finance Connect’s Environment Award 2024

    Better payment solutions, smarter public services
    Local government authorities are facing financial pressures like never before, to the point where solvency is becoming a real issue. Four local authorities in the UK declared bankruptcy in 2023, and there is every chance that more will follow throughout 2024 and beyond. There is only so much that authorities can do in addressing financial...

    Better payment solutions, smarter public services

    Navigating payment solutions – the consequences of standing still
    Quite often organisations believe that doing nothing for their IT investments is the most cost effective thing to do during challenging times. The answer is, it’s not – and here’s what really happens: If this sounds familiar, know that there’s a better way forward… Digital transformation is an area that countless businesses and public-sector organisations...

    Navigating payment solutions – the consequences of standing still

    Sound money: How SCC Payment Solutions can unlock Finance, Innovation and Technology (FIT) in healthcare
    It seems strange to say that the NHS is under more financial pressure than ever before, despite the fact that funding for it has reached record levels. This is down to a variety of reasons: some of them are knock-on effects of the Covid pandemic, such as ongoing costs and the elective care backlog. However,...

    Sound money: How SCC Payment Solutions can unlock Finance, Innovation and Technology (FIT) in healthcare

    On-demand webinar: SCC and KCS Procurement: Zero trust cloud print management
    Discover how you can improve your operational efficiency and performance with zero trust cloud print management. Cloud printing takes the best of print management and simplifies the process. Ensuring maximum customer protection, by keeping sensitive data secure on the workstation, giving you greater flexibility to localise print traffic, with around the clock support.   Watch the...

    On-demand webinar: SCC and KCS Procurement: Zero trust cloud print management

    DVaaS and the circular economy
    The British Government has a target of a 68% reduction of emissions by 2030 and by 78% by 2035. Its goal is for net-zero emissions by 2050. Just as the Government has outlined its net zero ambition, corporate organisations are setting ambitious targets for reducing their carbon footprint and increasing sustainability. One of the biggest...

    DVaaS and the circular economy

    What Trigger’s broom can teach us about cybersecurity
    In the classic Only Fools and Horses scene, Trigger proudly reveals he has used the same broom for 20 years, boasting: “This old thing has had 17 new heads and 14 new handles!”. Much like Trigger’s broom, legacy IT systems, some dating back to the 1970s, are often held together with sticky plaster fixes, posing...

    What Trigger’s broom can teach us about cybersecurity

    How DVaaS can help harmonise your boardroom
    When it comes to refreshing IT equipment, organisations who pay cash for tech assets are often bound by the balance sheet, as Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) and Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) clash on what is an appropriate length of time for a refresh cycle. “Is it still working?” “Yes.” “Good. Let’s talk in 12 months.”...

    How DVaaS can help harmonise your boardroom

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