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    Yet another hardware failure? You need Technology Servicing
    With IT’s role in the modern day business more prominent and lucrative, the need to support and maintain it has never been more important. Even with on-site IT personnel, you’re likely to need extra support during certain times to fix problems quickly and efficiently ­– so where do you turn? TLC for your IT Estate In...

    Yet another hardware failure? You need Technology Servicing

    600,000 digital technology vacancies costing £63 billion a year
    A reported 600,000 vacancies in digital technology is said to be costing the country £63 billion a year, according to report Skills Shortages in the UK Economy. The bulletin, published by education charity Edge Foundation, looks at the tech industry and the economic impact of the failure to encourage young people to study relevant subjects...

    600,000 digital technology vacancies costing £63 billion a year

    Must Read: Using tech to boost workplace productivity
    Workplace productivity is declining and has been for the last few years. During the first quarter of 2018, output per hour worked fell by 0.5%, according to data published by the Office for National Statistics. Productivity is the backbone of all businesses, without it; there would be no product to sell. Increasing productivity in your...

    Must Read: Using tech to boost workplace productivity

    How would you benefit from the Next Generation Service Desk?
    Self service is everywhere – you can pay for your groceries without the need of a cashier, you can deposit money at the bank without speaking to a member of staff and now you can access IT support without speaking to a technical assistant. The robotic voice sounding “unexpected item in the bagging area” may...

    How would you benefit from the Next Generation Service Desk?

    UK Businesses Need to Adopt New Technologies to Boost Productivity
    For many decades, the UK has been falling behind both its European counterparts and its US cousins, with British workers producing less, per hour of work, than their equivalents in the US, Germany and France. At present, the UK has the world’s fifth largest economy, but languishes in 15th in terms of the productivity table....

    UK Businesses Need to Adopt New Technologies to Boost Productivity

    Beyond the Smartphone
    We will soon be living in a post smartphone era, but what will that look like? In the dark recesses of all IT departments in all businesses there will be some It products of yesteryear gathering dust. Fax Machines, Palm Pilots and laptops that were the size of suitcases all reside there now that sun...

    Beyond the Smartphone

    Why businesses need to adapt their IT networks and focus on agility
    Today, legacy business models are facing an uncertain period, driven by technologies that are disrupting traditional industries. In this new era, competitiveness depends on how well enterprises can react and respond to market requirements and ever-changing conditions. To maintain a competitive edge and advantage, it’s essential for businesses to embrace digital transformation, revamp their existing...

    Why businesses need to adapt their IT networks and focus on agility

    Data Growth and the Network
    Growing Demands As data use continues to grow how can a business ensure that its network can cope with increasing users demands without having to completely reengineer their infrastructure? Data is expanding at a frantic pace. According to IDC, data creation has doubled in size every two years, and by 2025 the digital universe (the...

    Data Growth and the Network

    Combination Therapy
    Everybody involved within the IT industry is aware of one inescapable fact, nothing works in isolation. Software needs to run on hardware, that needs to be provided with connectivity. Everything is interconnected, interrelated and reliant on many other factors. In order to achieve even a seemingly simple thing can require background tasks of almost Herculean...

    Combination Therapy