Secure Cloud Printing with uniFLOW Online
With the future working model looking to be hybrid, protection of personal and business data has never been so important.
Sensitive data is constantly being transferred in the print and scan atmosphere, so it is vital to maintain a high level of security across the whole environment to prevent any data breaches.
Simple. Serverless. Secure
As businesses shape their cloud strategy, they increasingly seek to mix and match the best available technologies to give their companies flexibility and cost advantages.
uniFLOW Online has been developed from the ground up to leverage the benefits of the Microsoft Azure cloud platform, providing superior enterprise platform security, scalability, and resilience for organisations of all sizes.
Why uniFLOW Online could be right for you
uniFLOW Online delivers a scalable, secure public cloud-based solution that adapts and grows in line with your business. It removes the need to invest in and manage local servers with flexible Printing and Scanning subscriptions available to support and complement every stage of the document lifecycle.
To allay any concerns regarding the security of this cloud-based solution, details of uniFLOW’s security features are below.
Key features of uniFLOW Online
With uniFLOW Online, users can print and scan confidential documents securely. Print jobs stay in a user’s personal secure print queue which can be stored locally or in the cloud. The secure jobs and related information will follow the user from device to device and can only be released after authentication by the authorised user; i.e. using their proximity card or mobile authentication by entering a PIN code at any device connected to uniFLOW Online.
Answering today’s business needs
73% of organisations expect to transition to cloud print management by 2025 | Quocirca (2020), Print 2025: The journey to digital reinvention*

Print documents from cloud storage devices
uniFLOW Online enables users to print their cloud stored documents directly from connected devices (e.g. Dropbox, Evernote, Microsoft SharePoint)

Send print jobs from anywhere
Regardless of location, users can use their smartphones or tablets to print documents securely

Immediate benefits
uniFLOW is built on cutting-edge cloud technology, Microsoft Azure, that brings superior enterprise platform security, scalability, and resilience
Document security that works better together

SCC Document Services and Canon have been working in partnership for over a decade. We have extensive experience in delivering document print, security, and automation for a multitude of organisations. Through this partnership, we hold a strong and deep-rooted relationship within Canon enabling us to sell and support Canon’s entire catalogue of products and services.
Our partnership ensures that we can give our customers choice, flexibility, and support throughout the document lifecycle of their Canon solutions.