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    What’s the biggest risk to your digital security?
    Your own staff may be a bigger threat to the integrity of your systems than any piece of malware or form of attack. And while personnel may behave in unpredictable ways, there are simple measures you can take to mitigate the dangers. The increasing frequency and sophistication of targeted attacks on an organisation, such as...

    What’s the biggest risk to your digital security?

    Are you ready to deal with a digital security emergency?
    You may have a business contingency plan in place and be ready to deal with an unexpected event that prevents you from accessing your IT systems. But dealing with a major infiltration of your systems, a significant loss of data, or a ransomware attack would pose difference challenges. Would you be able to cope? The...

    Are you ready to deal with a digital security emergency?

    Is it the end of passwords?
    The majority of workers are ready to ditch the password in favour of more modern security solutions, such as biometrics. This is according to a new Okta document based on a poll of more than 4,000 workers across the UK, France and the Netherlands. In 2018, four in ten UK businesses experienced a security breach...

    Is it the end of passwords?

    Do you need to review your security strategy?
    With around 4.5 million cybercrimes being inflicted on companies in England and Wales in 2018, the threat would seem to be growing by the day. What is the right approach to take if you want to minimise the risks? Instead of being reactive, do you need to be more holistic? For a senior IT or...

    Do you need to review your security strategy?

    The importance of complete network visibility
    Everything in business is now more complex than ever. Customers are more demanding, competition is growing and new regulation — such as the GDPR — is complicating things further. This added complexity has made it increasingly difficult to manage businesses effectively, and managing an enterprise’s network is no exception. Enterprise networks have grown in complexity...

    The importance of complete network visibility

    Data loss is biggest security-related concern
    New research has suggested data loss is the biggest concern for IT decision-makers when it comes to security. The survey of 300 mid-market IT managers, CIOs, directors and Heads of IT, revealed data loss was the most difficult challenge for 42% of correspondents, when trying to keep their organisation secure. A quarter of those asked...

    Data loss is biggest security-related concern

    Cyber Security: Should you be encrypting your data?
    Data safety is paramount, and encryption may be a significant step in order to keep you safe. So what is it and what should you encrypt? Your business doesn’t deal with highly confidential data, so you don’t need to encrypt your data, right? Wrong. Although ‘data encryption’may sound like something that only happens in institutes...

    Cyber Security: Should you be encrypting your data?

    Cyber security: what you need to know in 2019
    It was a big year for cyber security in 2018. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force, demonstrating the serious nature of confidential data and keeping it safe. For those who fail to align their practices to the regulation, they face the consequences of a hefty fine, which could potentially destroy their business....

    Cyber security: what you need to know in 2019

    Cyber Security: Is WannaCry still a threat?
    Just when you thought it was all over, WannaCry is still attempting to infect thousands of systems a month. Are you protected from this immortal cyber threat? The WannaCry ransomware attack will go down in history, thanks to the chaos it caused around the world, most notably with the NHS. There were 200,00 victims and...

    Cyber Security: Is WannaCry still a threat?

    Healthcare most targeted industry for ransomware attacks
    Healthcare organisations made up 37% of cyber attacks in Q3 according to cyber security insurance firm Beazley Breach Response (BBR) Services. In recent months, the insurance company has seen the number of reported ransomware incidents climb. The number of notifications of ransomware attacks more than doubled in September, when compared with the previous month. In...

    Healthcare most targeted industry for ransomware attacks

    Cyber Security: How to Avoid a Rude Awakening
    Political events over the past few years have caused a lot of people to wake up with a start – there’s nothing like a bit of national outcry to shake you out of your slumber. That moment of trying to come to terms with what happened while you were sleeping is all too familiar to...

    Cyber Security: How to Avoid a Rude Awakening

    Cyber Security: 3. Why it’s time to stop navel gazing
    It is very tempting when creating a cyber security strategy to fall down a rabbit hole of stolen customer data, fears of reputational damage and planning your PR response should things all go horribly wrong. In doing so, our efforts become focused on pulling up the drawbridge to protect our network from the risk of...

    Cyber Security: 3. Why it’s time to stop navel gazing

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