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    SCC certified to handle and process classified government data
    SCC has become one of only five organisations in the UK that has been awarded the CAS (S) certification by the UK government. It’s a notable achievement, highlighting our capabilities in handling highly sensitive information by giving SCC the authority to handle and process classified government data. SCC’s Barry Mitchell (Supply Chain Sales Manager) and...

    SCC certified to handle and process classified government data

    When should you call in an ethical hacker?
    As cyberattacks grow in sophistication, ethical hacking, or penetration testing, is the key to ensuring a secure cyber future. Regardless of the size of an organisation, all IT systems are vulnerable to cyberattacks. These can be from Internet-based viruses such as WannaCry, or internal breaches by employees. And if businesses want to avoid becoming a...

    When should you call in an ethical hacker?

    UK Is Now the Most Targeted Nation for Cyber Attacks
    The UK is now the most targeted nation for cyber-attacks following a 134% rise in hijacking attempts against British machines and soaring ransomware attacks. That’s according to Malwarebytes’ annual State of Malware report, that reveals UK-bound ransomware has increased by 165%. On a global basis, ransomware targeting businesses also saw a 90% hike over the...

    UK Is Now the Most Targeted Nation for Cyber Attacks

    Ransomware attacks – and how to avoid them
    For most companies and organisations, Ransomware is an omnipotent threat to their cyber security. From private businesses and banks to universities and hospitals, ransomware attacks are a daily occurrence somewhere in the world as organisations pay out millions of pounds to unlock encrypted files. These ransomware attacks have such a high success rate because the...

    Ransomware attacks – and how to avoid them

    Bridging the Cyber Security Gaps for your Business
    Online attacks and security breaches are not a new topic. In April last year the government’s Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2017 reported that almost half of UK firms had been hit by a cyber-attack or breach in the previous 12 months, whilst other reports have suggested that the UK is the target for one in...

    Bridging the Cyber Security Gaps for your Business

    What is edge computing and how it’s changing the network
    Edge computing is a way to streamline the flow of traffic from IoT devices and provide real-time local data analysis Edge computing allows data produced by internet of things (IoT) devices to be processed closer to where it is created instead of sending it across long routes to data centers or clouds. Doing this computing...

    What is edge computing and how it’s changing the network

    Businesses need to get ahead of the cyber-security curve
    Despite an overall decrease in fraudulent activities and computer misuse in 2017, the latest reports from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has revealed that targeted incidents of computer misuse and malware against businesses are on the rise. The increase in business-related cybersecurity crime, the report claims, is being driven by a massive 145 percent...

    Businesses need to get ahead of the cyber-security curve

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