SCC and Prodaft seal cybersecurity partnership

SCC has unveiled a new partnership with cybersecurity specialist Prodaft in response to the rising threat of cybercrime.

Set against a backdrop which this summer saw essential NHS services crippled, and patient care severely disrupted, following a ransomware attack by a notorious Russian based cyber hacking group, the game-changing new partnership will immediately target solutions designed to plug the significant gaps in British business’ defence against digital threats.

Pooling world class cybersecurity expertise, the collaboration will focus upon significantly upgrading the UK’s security infrastructure, with plans already in place to build a state-of-the-art Classified TLP-RED secure Cyber Operations Centre that will enable private sector businesses to access live threat monitoring and intelligence sharing with international cybercrime agencies for the first time.

A response to the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyber-attacks – currently costing UK business £21bn a year – the planned high security custom-built facility on SCC’s Birmingham technology campus, will utilise strategic partnerships with many of the UK’s already best-in-class technologies, pooling resources and expertise while integrating with the European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) to unlock an unprecedented set of domestic capabilities.

The Cyber Operations Centre would provide a robust defence resource capable of supporting both governmental and private entities in effectively safeguarding sensitive data and maintaining operational integrity.

Daniel Cartter, Director of Innovation at SCC, said: “Driven by the necessity for a unified and collaborative approach to cyber defence, this partnership will provide the leading edge expertise required to bridge critical knowledge gaps between the public and private sector. It will deliver a pivotal advancement in the UK’s cybersecurity preparedness, improving innovation and resilience and playing an important role in safeguarding national security against evolving cyber threats.”

Chris McGrath, SCC’s Director of Digital Trust, added: “This partnership will allow us to engage in proactive cyber operations and build enhanced digital trust, resilience and threat detection capabilities. It is an important step towards ensuring the UK’s critical infrastructures are reinforced against high-end cyber threats such as ransomware, cyber espionage, state-sponsored attacks, information operation campaigns and other elements of cyber warfare.”

Plans for the centre, scheduled to be completed by the end of 2024, are based on proven international models, including those already established by Prodaft in partnership with the wider defence ecosystem. From a standing start in 2023, Prodaft and partners have established a fully operational national cyber intelligence cybersecurity centre in 18 months, guarding against the new reality of rising cyber and supply chain threats. We are delighted to be building out the same capacity for UK PLC with our partners.

Martin Dean, CDxO at SCC said: “The partnership with Prodaft enables us to deliver the next-level management and resolution of cyber risks to UK institutions and companies alike. Backed by EC3 level intelligence, we can ensure that organisations and their supply chains can demonstrate compliance and security in line with or exceeding standards such as NIS2, providing assurance and Enhanced Digital Trust to customers, insurers, regulators and the public at large.”

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