SCC Named as Top G-Cloud Reseller
Data published by G-Cloud’s governing body, Crown Commercial Service (CCS), shows SCC as having achieved the highest revenue through the framework in 2018 so far. According to Computer Reseller News (CRN) who analysed the data, SCC achieved revenue of £1.8m, ranking it number 1 for the first quarter of 2018. In terms of the channel, SCC was one of two resellers that made the biggest single deal. Aligned to the Government’s digital transformation strategy, SCC supports public sector organisations to achieve operational efficiency, with a clear focus on end user ability to access data securely, from anywhere on any device. Sentinel by SCC, the secure multi-tenant Cloud platform, is certified to and compliant with Cyber Essentials + (CE +), PSN, NCSC and GPG 13.“All of which are cornerstones in ensuring secure delivery of Government digital services in an ever-increasing world of cyber-attacks and data breaches. <!– Discover more about Sentinel by SCC –>