SCC employees volunteer for charity over Christmas
Sara Williams and Tracy Nugent from the SCC Warrington branch spent time over Christmas supporting Warrington Open Door At Christmas (WODAC), a charity that helps the vulnerable and homeless over Christmas. Sara and Tracy spent most of Christmas Eve morning making up hampers with treats, gloves, hats and toiletries for the homeless, and bigger hampers for families and vulnerable people who are struggling. In the afternoon, they both delivered the donated grocery shopping and also some of the donated hampers from SCC as gifts. “It was such an overwhelming day,” said Tracy, “full of sadness and happiness. It was so lovely to see smiles brought to peoples’ faces and how grateful they were with donations.” From Christmas Day right through to New Year the volunteers took out food shopping, hampers and gifts to homes, as well as driving around the town taking the homeless bacon and sausage sandwiches and offering help and contact information where they could. Sara volunteered herself most days over the Christmas holidays, going in to make up more hampers and driving round town with hot food to the homeless. “With COVID, it was a very different WODAC this year,” said Tracy, “but if I’m honest from what I saw Christmas Eve and from the shared WODAC Whatsapp group, it’s been a massively successful year.” People were so overwhelmed with the hampers they received, that they shared feedback with WODAC: “I am blown away by the generosity and kindness shown to me. This will make a massive difference to my son and the rest of the family at this hard time. I will be forever thankful to you all.” “Thank you so much for the Christmas-wrapped box with the goodies in them. Those biscuits were amazing, they were all amazing goodies, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I was feeling very, very low and your generosity made my day. I feel better than I thought so thank you. I still feel low but nowhere near like I was this morning.”