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    Need to Know: Thermal Fever Detection
    As the UK Government begins to ease lockdown measures, organisations across the country are turning their attention to recovery amid the on-going Covid-19 pandemic. In support of this, SCC is delivering critical projects across all industry sectors, helping organisations protect their people and customers with its new Thermal Fever Detection solution. What is it? SCC’s...

    Need to Know: Thermal Fever Detection

    SCC donates AI technology to support NHS Foundation Trust through COVID-19 crisis
    SCC, Europe’s biggest independent IT solutions provider, is supporting a key UK NHS Foundation Trust through the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic by donating an innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI) solution that will free beds and improve patient healthcare at home. In line with the Government’s latest release ‘COVID-19: ethical framework for adult social care’, which emphasises how...

    SCC donates AI technology to support NHS Foundation Trust through COVID-19 crisis

    IoT Asset Tracking Webinar
    This webinar episode covers our IoT Asset Tracking solution. Please join Tyrran Ferguson (Head of IoT / AI) to go through how we deploy our IoT solutions and for a demonstration of our Asset Tracking dashboard. He is joined by Pete Norton from Net4, and Gary de Bruin (IoT / AI Technologist) who go into...

    IoT Asset Tracking Webinar

    SCC helps 20,000 ex-NHS workers return to service to battle COVID-19
    SCC has been working closely with the national information and technology partner to the health and social care system using digital technology to transform the NHS and social care, to enable ex-NHS to return to work throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. This has included printing bespoke NHS Smart Cards to support 20,000 ex-NHS workers returning to...

    SCC helps 20,000 ex-NHS workers return to service to battle COVID-19

    Driving digital transformation in healthcare whilst reducing cost of ownership
    SCC has partnered with one of the UK’s prominent public sector healthcare organisations to drive digital innovation and fundamentally transform the way healthcare is delivered, whilst reducing total cost of ownership of its IT estate using the SCC Flex Start finance scheme. The healthcare organisation delivers an essential service to UK hospitals, directly responsible for...

    Driving digital transformation in healthcare whilst reducing cost of ownership

    SCC helping businesses bounce back from COVID-19 crisis with Thermal Fever Detection technology
    SCC, Europe’s biggest independent IT solutions provider, is helping the UK respond to the COVID-19 crisis with innovative Thermal Fever Detection technology designed to help businesses prepare for life after lockdown. Already being extensively tested in hospitals, restaurants and airports across Britain, the Thermal Fever Detection solution uses devices ranging from handheld to fixed multi-camera...

    SCC helping businesses bounce back from COVID-19 crisis with Thermal Fever Detection technology

    Ensuring airport passenger safety during and after the pandemic
    The COVID-19 pandemic will continue to restrict global travel and change the way we live for a long time to come – and SCC is helping aviation businesses prepare for life after lockdown. SCC’s new Thermal Temperature Detection technology solution is helping businesses in a number of industries protect people and demonstrate that necessary measures...

    Ensuring airport passenger safety during and after the pandemic

    Helping hospitals through the COVID-19 crisis and beyond
    The devastating effect of the COVID-19 pandemic across the healthcare sector is clear, with frontline services struggling to cope with increased demand and non-coronavirus services battling to provide normal levels of care to patients. For UK hospitals, there is a long road ahead in the battle with COVID-19 – but when the UK is ready...

    Helping hospitals through the COVID-19 crisis and beyond

    Supporting restaurants to safely open their doors once more
    As the UK gets set to embrace long-term changes to the way we live following the COVID-19 pandemic, SCC is helping businesses prepare for life after lockdown. SCC’s new Thermal Temperature Detection technology solution is a key component in protecting people and demonstrating that businesses have taken necessary steps to ensure the wellbeing of their...

    Supporting restaurants to safely open their doors once more

    Help convert entire hospital into an Intensive Treatment Unit
    Under immense pressure due to increased volume of patients and with the seriousness of the COVID-19 virus to the most vulnerable, a London-based hospital trust needed to act quickly to cope with an influx of patients requiring critical care. After engaging SCC and its partner, HPI, the trust quickly converted an entire hospital into an...

    Help convert entire hospital into an Intensive Treatment Unit

    SCC partners with AWS to help Cambridge University Hospitals launch PPE training website
    SCC partners with AWS to help Cambridge University Hospitals launch national PPE training website amid COVID-19 outbreak Amid the on-going COVID-19 outbreak, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CUH) had an immediate and urgent requirement to provide critical training on how to correctly put on and remove Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) to protect them from...

    SCC partners with AWS to help Cambridge University Hospitals launch PPE training website

    Deliver in record time for NHS trust
    Congratulations to SCC and its project team that helps a Midlands-based NHS trust accelerate an ‘always-on’ VPN project that had been running internally for 12 weeks. Faced with the difficult challenge of enabling remote working and collaboration for its staff and Trust Board in a short space of time, amid the on-going COVID-19 response measures...

    Deliver in record time for NHS trust

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