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Our very own Andy Nabbs took part in a webinar hosted by the Greater Birmingham Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday April 7th. The webinar discusses the IT challenges of remote working and the options that are available to organisations and what they need to consider when approaching it. Stand out topics are:- IT challenges with...
Remote Working Webinar – Finding the Right Solution for Your Business
With an immediate requirement to upgrade videoconferencing suites and multi-disciplinary team services, a midlands-based NHS trust received support from SCC AVS on-site in under four hours. Our amazing team, led by Project Manager Jamie Liston, responded to the call the moment it was received, understanding the importance of our NHS throughout the on-going COVID-19 situation....
Deliver critical NHS upgrades in under four hours
We’re proud of the SCC team that has continued to support a northeast NHS Foundation Trust throughout the coronavirus crisis – enabling the continuation of operations for cancer patients. The Trust had an urgent requirement to immediately mobilise 600 priority NHS staff to work at home, with a total user base of 12,000 users. In...
Help NHS Foundation Trust focus on front line services
Our SCC AVS team is working tirelessly to help keep the amazing NHS functioning and delivering health services to as many people as possible. For one trust last week, we helped 12,000 doctors carry out video consultations, and we are currently creating 33 meeting rooms to act as safe environments to connect their sites across...
Enabling video consultations for 12,000 doctors
Summary As your business’ operations start to grow, so do your IT systems. This in itself can present challenges and put immense pressure on your IT infrastructure when trying to meet business-critical objectives. Particular points of pressure that you may be facing can include: – Increase of IT infrastructure costs – Need for rapid application...
Webinar | Containerisation – The Future of IT Infrastructure
SCC are pleased to announce that we have been given a place on the London Procurement Partnership (LPP) NHS framework. This framework is a key win for our team who have worked diligently to create a proposal that is effective and enticing to the LPP. The LPP is concerned with driving improved procurement and commercial...
SCC Awarded Place on the LPP Framework
Our webinar on the 7 key features of cloud adoption discusses how cloud adoption can be seamless and within budget. From infrastructure and mobility to virtualisation and applications, the webinar outlines how cloud offers competitive advantages over traditional solutions and is transforming the entire IT ecosystem. To watch the webinar please complete the form below…...
7 Key Features of Cloud Adoption Webinar
A recent research project into workplace productivity by SCC found that providing mobile technology options is now essential for all organisations to thrive – to attract new workers, give the current workforce the flexibility they need and keep them happy. Mobility has been one of the key themes within IT over the last decade. And...
Why remote working is good for business
The challenges that hold organisations back from improving user experiences and productivity seem obvious – and the best way to address them is to take a similarly straight-forward approach.
Making plans for enhanced workplace productivity
An SCC survey found that support for end-users is very good on the whole – but there is a real concern that this may only be masking the need for more urgent changes to workplace productivity and applications modernisation. While a recent survey of 550 individuals gave us a lot of food for thought, it...
Is service and support papering over the cracks in workplace productivity?
The modernisation of apps is lagging behind the desire for remote and mobile working in many organisations – and could be holding them back as a result. A survey SCC conducted recently with 550 individuals from UK verticals provided a new perspective on why some organisations might not be getting as much out of flexible...
Are your apps holding your workers back?
An SCC survey revealed that more workers now expect the same kind of technology experience in the workplace as they get in the home, increasing the onus on organisations to digitally transform. A recent survey of 550 individuals within organisations spread across many industries by SCC revealed that the experience people have as consumers and...