IT Solutions
Creating better employee experiences in a new world of work
There has been a huge shift in the last few years in how, when and where people work, with the hybrid and flexible models adopted during the pandemic now a long-term reality. As of 2023, 58% of employers now provide remote working options to all staff who are practically able to do so. This has given employees the choice of working from the location where they’re happiest and most productive, whether that be at home, or from offices that are now considerably quieter than they used to be.
The importance of productivity can’t be overstated. More than 30% of employees say that they waste at least one hour a day of working time, while the average employee is interrupted from their work 56 times per day. And while two-thirds of employees say they get more work done at home than when they’re in the office, every worker is different, so it’s vital to make sure that productivity is optimised in every working location.

The biggest barriers to productivity
This is exactly where SCC is perfectly placed to help. Productivity forms one part of our wider Digital Workplace solution, where we can tailor your IT infrastructure to the needs of modern business and the new world of work. The Digital Workplace also encompasses Identity & Access Management, Content & Collaboration, Digital Document Solutions, Modern Endpoint Management, and Digital Employee Experience Management. Collectively, it means we can identify your challenges, put the right solutions in place, and adapt them to the changing needs of your workforce and business.
SCC is a people-based business that knows how to connect you with the right solutions, taking your workforce, business goals, and sustainability and CSR demands into account. Whatever the current state of your technological maturity, we can help you take your working experience to the next level. Get in touch with our team to find out more.