Advanced Threat Protection – Your Checklist and Buyer’s Guide

Advanced Threat ProtectionFortinet have provided organisations with decisive guidance to advance their security posture, with a comprehensive buyer’s guide and security checklist.

Improving your organisation’s security posture should always be a priority. While the latest technology approaches often spark lots of excitement, it’s important to ensure that you have comprehensive coverage across the attack chain, from prevention to detection and mitigation.

Read Fortinet’s Advanced Threat Protection Buyer’s Guide to ensure that your security plans are prioritised to provide the greatest advances to your organisation’s defense. You will learn how to:

  • Achieve broad coverage across your organisation
  • Assess the mix of technologies at each point of protection
  • Move toward a system-orientated defense

Download the Buyer’s Guide to learn more.


As an added benefit, Fortinet’s Advanced Threat Protection Checklist will aid you in making the right choices for your organisation.

The checklist will help you to assess your current Advanced Threat Protection solution needs through a baseline set of requirements, including:

  • Environment coverage
  • Mix of security technologies
  • Integration and automation capabilities

Download the ATP checklist now.

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