Cisco 2016 Annual Security Report

Cisco 2016 Annual Security Report

The Cisco 2016 Annual Security Report looks at how organisations can achieve attack resilience in the digital age.

Cisco threat intelligence and trend analyses reveal advances by both the security industry and criminals. The Cisco 2016 Annual Security Report examines how you can strengthen your defences by investing for resilience. It also outlines how security professionals assess the state of security preparedness in their own organisations.

So what are the big threats to organisations in 2016? It seems that the amount of ageing infrastructure is growing and leaves organisations increasingly vulnerable to attack. As part of the report, 115,000 Cisco devices on the internet were analysed and it was discovered that 92% of them were running software with known vulnerabilities.  In addition, 31% of the Cisco devices in the field that were included in the sample are “end of sale” and 8% are “end of life.”

Since May 2015, Cisco has reduced the median time to detection (TTD) of known threats in their networks to about 17 hours – less than one day. This far outpaces the current industry estimates for TTD, which is around 100 to 200 days.

Further report highlights include:

  • How industry efforts have crippled major attacks
  • Why cybercriminals are shifting their tactics to make money
  • What experts have to say about major vulnerabilities
  • How adaptive, integrated solutions can quicken time to detection
  • How enterprises fare in security preparedness

»>Click here to download the report now»>

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