Empower your Firstline to drive your bottom line

Firstline workers are the unsung heroes of UK’s workforce and the beating heart of many organisations. They are often the first to engage customers, the first to represent your brand and the first to see products and services in action. From the factory floor to the front of house they help drive sales, customer service, and profits. It has been found that disengaged workers can cost a business up to £550bn per year.  

So why are they often the last to get access to the latest technology?

SCC can give them the tools to be creative, have new ideas and spark business growth. Keep them engaged and they’ll be the face of your brand. First with the customers to define their customer experience. Then with products, they are at the heart of your organisation. They are also the face of your brand and business.

SCC and Microsoft can empower your frontline workers to take control of their own work/life balance. A winning combination of the right hardware, software and support can allows employees to:

  • Keep the team connected on the go.
  • Allow remote access to documents. Anytime. Anywhere.
  • Customise your Teams experience.
  • Manage your workforce with role-based access.

Businesses are already making the both and benefitting from partnering with Microsoft to supply their firstline worker solutions: “We’re partnering with Microsoft to reinvent the employee experience, to build a modern and secure workspace and to empower every employee, from the boardroom to the Firstline Worker, to achieve more every day.” -Brandon Antin, Vice President of Social Responsibility and Innovation, VCA

Find out more about how to drive bottom line through empowering your Firstline worker here.

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