Expert Reviews Praise Z710 Motherboards

MotherboardThe feature-packed Z170-DELUXE motherboard has earned a Gold Award in the latest Overclock 3D ( review. The website highlighted the connectivity and feature focus of the Z170-DELUXE noting it is ‘full of extras to allow you to squeeze the most of your hardware’ and ‘has everything you could desire, some stuff you didn’t even know you wanted’.

The review rounds off with the bold statement that the Z170-DELUXE is ‘a stunning piece of kit and should be top of your list if you’re looking for a Skylake motherboard’.

To read the review, go to:

Meanwhile, KitGuru’s ( has given the ASUS Z170 Sabertooth Mark 1 motherboard its ‘Worth Buying’ award with a score of 8.5 out of 10. Its review highlights temperature performance showing that the board ran up to 13 degrees Celsius cooler for the CPU VRM area when using thermal armour and fans. It concludes that the Sabertooth is ‘a strong competitor that offers something different in the high-end motherboard crowd.’

You can read the review at

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