Fast and Responsive Webpages Bring in More Donations

Fast and responsiveNfPs lose financially from slow loading webpages

The speed of page loading is vital to the success of many organisation’s websites, but it’s especially true for those in the charity sector.

A recent survey showed that 47% of consumers expect a web page to load in two seconds or less while 40% of people abandon a website that takes more than three seconds to load.

When visitors to your website are potentially planning to donate to your cause, you can’t afford to let them slip through your fingers. In the world of online giving, you need to make it as easy as possible for your supporters to deal with you. That means giving them fast, receptive, and responsive webpages that provide everything they need to donate quickly and simply.

It’s also worth noting that by reducing the number of fields on your donation form you could increase conversions by 50%. Every field you include is another step that needs to be completed before your potential supporter can donate. By keeping forms brief with only the most necessary fields incorporated, you should increase the number of submissions you receive.


Web pages must be mobile-responsive

With mobile web traffic set to increase by 480% by 2019, charities could also miss out if they fail to make their website and online forms mobile-friendly.

More than half of visitors to your website are likely to come from a mobile device, and if they don’t find it to be responsive, they will leave quickly. NfPs can’t afford to miss out on capturing donations and data from these visitors.

Another thing to consider is that there is a mobile-friendly Google algorithm, so charities could see their rankings decline if the search engine finds pages that are not responsive. By making your operating system device agnostic, you will give yourself a headstart when it comes to optimising your webpages.

A system like Microsoft Windows 10 is compatible with desktops, laptops, smartphones, tablets and embedded devices and can support you in delivering web-based marketing campaigns.


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