Fast Growth Envisaged for Scanner Sales as NHS and Courts Go Paperless

NurseTabletWith the NHS planning to go ‘paperless’ within the next few years and the UK’s Courts also aiming to adopt processes that will dramatically reduce the amount of paper they generate and require to function, sales of document scanners to the public sector are expected to surge over the coming months.

Tim Kelsey, NHS England’s National Director for Patients and Information was recently quoted saying that by 2020, the NHS will be largely paper-free. By April 2016, clinical commissioning groups are expected to submit delivery plans for how they will eradicate the use of paper in the treatment of patients across all health and care services in their region by 2020.

Separately, the government plans to make the UK’s 500 courts paperless by July this year. Around 160 million pieces of paper are processed by courts every year and moving to a digital system will save millions.

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