NetApp Introduces Flash Advantage

NetApp Flash Advantage Image

NetApp is rolling out its new Flash Advantage program.

The new program is designed to make it even easier for companies to experience the benefits of NetApp all-flash systems without risk.

The Flash Advantage program will enable businesses to evaluate all-flash solutions at no risk – a ‘try before you buy’ offer that features no cost for 45 days. They will also receive a new controller for free three years after their initial purchase with a total of six years of SupportEdge premium support, ensuring customers can remain on the cutting edge of flash technologies and eliminate downtime.

NetApp also guarantee a 3X performance increase for your enterprise database applications compared to traditional non-flash, disk-based systems and world-class support at a fixed rate for up to 7 years. Customers can extend their support for up to 7 years at a fixed rate either at the point of sale or at renewal.

NetApp have reported that they have seen a significant increase in customers using their products for SAN-based workloads. They assert that FlashEssentials has made it even easier for customers to get up and running with a less-than-10-minute timeframe from out of box to power up and then again from power up to configured and able to serve data.

As well as these performance and set up advantages, NetApp is also offering pricing options that make flash very affordable for businesses. Customers can achieve a lower £/GB cost due to NetApp’s new 3.8 terabyte solid state drive support and storage efficiency technologies, which effectively enables them to gain the performance of flash for the price of disk.

To find out more about how NetApp are continuing to take flash to the mainstream so that businesses can take advantage of the business-changing technology, contact your SCC account manager, call 0121 281 8618 or e-mail [email protected].

You can also attend NetApp’s forthcoming Webcast to find out how NetApp Flash is driving application performance at Western Oregon University in the US.

(1) Statement refers to the cost of traditional high-performance disk versus NetApp managed flash, as measured by $/GB capacity.

(Adapted from original NetApp blog post, published 8th December 2015:

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