Schools Primed to Invest in 3D Printing

schoolsResellers should be able to capitalise on a growing desire amongst schools to invest in 3D printing this summer. Ever since a 2013 Department for Education (DfE) project concluded that 3D printers have significant potential and a positive impact on pupil engagement in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and design subjects, schools have been interested in investing in the technology and schools are expected to expose pupils to the technology at a young age in many parts of the UK.

3D technology is seen as a path to developing more expansive thinking and the use of iterative design processes to be followed, so that students develop skills that they will be able to out to use in a technology-driven workplace.

A new curriculum for Design and Technology (D&T) has been introduced this year and there are many in the teaching profession who hope this will help to halt the decline in the numbers of pupils to choose D&T as an option (see

The new Polaroid ModelSmart 250S is designed to be attractive and affordable. It makes printing 3D objects almost as easy as printing traditional text documents. It measures only 250(w) x 150(h) x 150(d) mm, has a WiFi-enabled camera built-in, and can use nine colours of PLA and wood as the base material. It retails for around £1500.

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