Study Shows Oracle SuperCluster Improves Productivity by 46.7%

After assessing the value of engineered systems, the International Data Corporation found that Oracle SuperCluster is able to help organisations achieve 46.7% improvements to IT staff productivity, as well as many more interesting findings.

The highlights of the IDC assessment included:

  • 7% IT staff productivity improvement
  • 7% Increase in speed of application deployment
  • 0% Faster delivery of equipment
  • 3% Reduction in downtime
  • 7% Reduction in datacentre related IT spending

“Take an example of one of our big month end reports — an account reconciliation report. It took 20 hours to run. On SuperCluster, that’s 20 minutes …. Now that we’re live, we took our month-end close from 7 days down to 5 days. What CFO doesn’t love that?”

Ron Pollard, CIO, Specialized Bicycle Components 

Read the full whitepaper “Assessing the Business Value of Integrated Systems” here:

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