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The UK government is trying to gain an understanding of how people feel on certain topics on social media by using artificial intelligence (AI). The government is using the ‘Artificial emotional intelligence’ service by web science firm FlyingBinary, in partnership with emotional AI recognition company Emrays B.V. It has been released to the government’s...
Government using emotion-detecting AI
The Virtual Assistant Referee, also known as VAR, has certainly stolen the limelight at the 2018 World Cup so far. Numerous people would agree it has had a mostly positive effect, leading to fewer red cards per game after each country’s first fixture than at any World Cup for 32 years. Video analytics could soon...
FIFA’s VAR System and using AI in sporting tournaments
Speaking to an actual human being is overrated. Forget the days where you would have to call up the local takeaway to order food just to find the line busy, or end up speaking to someone on his or her first day that muddles up the order. Now, processes just like this one can be...
Swap your ‘chatterbox’ for a chatbot – the employee every business needs
Big data is much more than just a large amount of facts and figures. The definition of big data has adapted over time, but can be currently defined as collection of a large amount of data and the ability to use it to one’s advantage. In fact, big data hit the headlines last month when...
The next big thing is big data
Artificial intelligence (AI) in the global cyber security market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 36% during 2017-2023, reaching $18.1 billion by 2023. The research, conducted by P&S Market Research, suggests that the rising number of cyber frauds and malicious attacks is the major factor driving AI demand in the cyber security market....
AI to grow at an ‘exorbitant pace’ in cyber security
Artificial intelligence’ (AI) is the buzzword on everybody’s lips. It first came to life in the 1950s, but latest advancements and innovations have propelled it into the spotlight and it has now become a talking point for many, especially those in the tech world. The capabilities of AI are reaching unprecedented levels and will continue...
How Honest is Your Vendor on its AI Capabilities?
Just how often do you use voice recognition devices at home, live traffic maps when driving to and from a destination, and a mailbox that filters your emails into essential and non-essential when at work? There is no doubt that just some of the tools and technologies you use everyday are being powered by artificial...
It’s Time to Invest in Artificial Intelligence
The ‘on demand’ mindset of the modern consumer is forcing businesses of every type to digitally transform all aspects of their delivery strategy. According to Forbes in today’s age of the customer, brands have embraced customer experience as a key competitive differentiator, with a Deloitte survey revealing that 90% of businesses flagged improving the customer experience...
Meeting the Demands of the Modern Consumer
The last five years has seen a historic shift in digitalisation, with it now permeating almost every aspect of modern life. Breakthroughs in machine learning, supported by the huge explosion of data is fuelling the rapid rate of growth and development of artificial intelligence (AI). Currently, the general consensus within the digital economy is that...
The Age of AI – How is artificial intelligence disrupting industries?
In our latest blog, we explored the negative connotations of the words “artificial intelligence”. Despite the fact that AI is one of the most exciting technologies around at present, making global headlines for its potential to revolutionise almost every industry, from healthcare to manufacturing, from transportation to agriculture, its dystopian image is leaving people fearful....
AI: The Truth Behind The Hype
Are many companies put off adopting AI due to its name and dystopian image? There is no doubt that one of the most exciting technologies around at present is Artificial Intelligence, or AI for short. During 2017 it made headlines around the globe for its potential to revolutionise almost every industry. From healthcare to manufacturing,...