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    Azure Virtual Desktop Explained
    A robust virtual desktop strategy has become essential to productivity for all organisations, With the increasing reliance on remote work, coupled with the need for seamless and secure access to critical applications and data, choosing the right solution has taken on a newfound importance, Find out more about AVD with our on demand webinars NEW!...

    Azure Virtual Desktop Explained

    Is it possible to have it all with Azure Virtual Desktop? 
    Author Steve Smith, Technology & Operations Director – Public Cloud The demand for virtual desktop solutions has understandably boomed in recent years, but from my experience, there’s a lot of users who aren’t getting what they’re looking for. Many Citrix VDI users have found themselves struggling with high licensing costs and high hardware requirements. Meanwhile,...

    Is it possible to have it all with Azure Virtual Desktop? 

    Secure Cloud Printing with uniFLOW Online
    With the future working model looking to be hybrid, protection of personal and business data has never been so important. Sensitive data is constantly being transferred in the print and scan atmosphere, so it is vital to maintain a high level of security across the whole environment to prevent any data breaches. Simple. Serverless. Secure...

    Secure Cloud Printing with uniFLOW Online

    The SCC and Microsoft Surface Experience
    SCC introduces the new online SCC Surface Centre platform. This is your all-encompassing virtual home to discover how SCC can help you unleash the potential of the Microsoft Surface portfolio. > Click here to discover the platform for yourself <   How we can help? — Whatever the challenge your business is facing, whether it’s...

    The SCC and Microsoft Surface Experience

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