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As the hybrid working model becomes more firmly established in the modern workplace, the need for secure management of an organisation’s resources across multiple devices has never been more critical. Modernising endpoints means users can access collaborative applications across mobile, desktop and virtual devices – even via their personal devices. It ensures operating systems are...
SCC have earned the Microsoft Modernise Endpoints Advanced Specialisation

There is an opportunity for digital technology to pave the way for the modern Legal professional. Personalised, digital experiences have become the standard across many industries. Taking your Legal firm on a journey from paper heavy to paper light or even paperless is becoming increasingly essential. Here’s why. Accelerate productivity and efficiency, 87% of employees...
Go paperless with Microsoft Surface and Adobe Acrobat

If we told you there was game-changing ROI hiding within your business, the meeting room might not be the first place you’d look. However, whether you’ve rolled out collaboration solutions through necessity, as a proof of concept, to facilitate hybrid work or to better engage with customers and partners, deployment is only half the battle....
Are you leveraging the true potential of your collaboration solutions?

Today’s world presents numerous challenges that require immediate action. However, solving these issues is beyond the capacity of a single company, sector, or country. That’s why SCC and Microsoft are joining forces to tackle these challenges together, by providing customers with smart technology and corporate solutions that are accessible to everyone. Together, we’re creating an...
SCC and Microsoft: Empowering Communities with Technology

Getting the best from tech in the hybrid era of work. Embracing flexibility and different work styles is critical to the success of any business in today’s competitive market. Regardless of an organisation’s size, industry, location, or distribution, its people must be able to connect and collaborate with speed and ease. Which can be even...
Tech that follows: Digital Workplace solutions for the modern business

If we told you there was game-changing ROI hiding within your business, the meeting room might not be the first place you’d look. However, whether you’ve rolled out collaboration solutions through necessity, as a proof of concept, to facilitate hybrid work or to better engage with customers and partners, deployment is only half the battle....
Are you leveraging the true potential of your collaboration solutions?

Every business needs a do-it-all laptop or device that can serve their unique needs. That’s why SCC has partnered with Microsoft, to present three cutting-edge Surface models that will transform the way your business works. But these aren’t just your run-of-the-mill laptops. Microsoft Surface devices such as the Studio 2+, Pro 9 and Laptop 5...
Supercharge Productivity with Surface Devices

In the wake of the pandemic, healthcare has faced some of its biggest challenges yet. So how do health organisations face up to the future, while improving current conditions and keeping costs down? The answer lies with Microsoft. SCC and Microsoft have partnered to present Microsoft Surface, one of the most forward-thinking technology solutions for...
SCC and Microsoft: Improving Tech for Frontline Workers

Businesses have a lot on their plates. They need simple technology solutions that set them up for success while delivering cost predictability. Securing a cost-effective and simple way to get the latest tech is crucial for success. Microsoft Surface Device as a Service (DVaaS) simplifies the way businesses buy, manage, and use devices through...
Learn more about the Microsoft Surface DVaaS Service

In the wake of the pandemic, healthcare has faced some of its biggest challenges yet. So how do health organisations face up to the future, while improving current conditions and keeping costs down? The answer lies with Microsoft. SCC and Microsoft have partnered to present Microsoft Surface, one of the most forward-thinking technology solutions for...
SCC and Microsoft: Improving Tech for Frontline Workers

Remote learning during the pandemic forced schools to make use of technology, giving them the power to maintain educational standards at home. Now, even after the pandemic, students, teachers and parents alike have completely changed the way they interact with education thanks to technological advances. Microsoft Surface for Education is here to support this adaption...
Microsoft Surface Education: The Future of Learning

To serve our communities well, the police force needs agile, reliable, and secure technology that keeps them connected from anywhere. UK police have long had to suffer the consequences of time-consuming manual processes, remote working connectivity issues, communication setbacks and more. Investing in the right technology is crucial for our police force to...