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Optimising the document infrastructure of your business is one of the best ways to ensure a streamlined workflow and increased efficiency. A Managed Document Service is the application of technology to save paper, speed up communications, and increase the productivity of business processes (1). These services optimise the workflows of both printed and electronic documents,...
What is a Managed Document Service?
As the clock struck midnight on 1st January 2019, the IT channel was awash with predictions about what will dominate the technology industry in 2019. In the UK Public Sector – against a backdrop of the most stringent data security regulations ever and the B-word hijacking most discussions – we take a look at what’s...
5 Tech Trends in the Public Sector
Technology can be used to improve collaboration at work and maximise employee engagement. But what is fuelling the drive towards digitisation, and what are the other benefits that it can bring? What is a Digital Workforce? The digital workforce is a popular concept where technological and automated solutions are aligned with employees and existing business...