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Blog: Supporting cost control for transport and logistics with technology
Building a brighter future: cost control in construction
New Bluelight Partnership promises Emergency Services Network (ESN) ready solutions to meet modern demands. Panasonic TOUGHBOOK and SCC announced a Bluelight Partnership to deliver tailored mobile computing solutions to address the evolving needs of the UK’s Emergency Services. With a wealth of experience serving the UK’s Emergency Services and an already established successful working relationship,...
Bluelight Partnership from Toughbook and SCC to address emergency service mobility challenges
On Tuesday 20th of July, SCC and Samsung partnered together to deliver an SCC and Samsung webinar focused on Government and Police. Our expert speakers, Paul Hawtree, Head of UK Account Management, Samsung, Will Vale-Onslow, Account Director, Emergency Services, SCC and Chris Jump, Sales Manager, Central Government & Defence, SCC discussed insights, challenges, and opportunities...
Catch up with the latest webinar focused on Government and Police
As UK police forces continue their digital transformations, adopting new technologies to support officers and improve service, IT departments are being put under more pressure to manage rapidly growing, unstructured data. Each day, we create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data – so much that 90% of all the world’s data was created in the past...
Storage solutions for policing in the digital era
Big data is much more than just a large amount of facts and figures. The definition of big data has adapted over time, but can be currently defined as collection of a large amount of data and the ability to use it to one’s advantage. In fact, big data hit the headlines last month when...