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    SCC Document Services has been named Canon’s Top 20 European Partners for Production Print
    SCC Document Services (SCC DS) has been recognised as Canon’s top 20 European partners for Production Print at the recent Canon VIP Partner event Make It ’22. Make It ’22 is Canon’s largest and most comprehensive live, international Canon VIP Partner event since 2019, sharing fresh perspectives on production print and zoning in on how you...

    SCC Document Services has been named Canon’s Top 20 European Partners for Production Print

    Blog: Key considerations when creating a long-term hybrid working strategy
    For many companies, remote working was hastily introduced at very short notice when the COVID-19 pandemic began, and then hybrid models began to emerge as offices gradually began to reopen again. While a short-term contingency approach was understandable at the time, companies are now having to consider how best to adapt their technology for a...

    Blog: Key considerations when creating a long-term hybrid working strategy

    Blog: Four ways to ensure document management remains secure in a hybrid world
    As businesses look towards what their long-term future will look like post-pandemic, it’s vital to explore every way possible to add flexibility to how they operate. This applies to how people work, where they work and when they work, and increasingly, it’s employees that are calling the shots in how these new working models are...

    Blog: Four ways to ensure document management remains secure in a hybrid world

    Secure Cloud Printing with uniFLOW Online
    With the future working model looking to be hybrid, protection of personal and business data has never been so important. Sensitive data is constantly being transferred in the print and scan atmosphere, so it is vital to maintain a high level of security across the whole environment to prevent any data breaches. Simple. Serverless. Secure...

    Secure Cloud Printing with uniFLOW Online

    Long standing partner, M2, acquire Hobs On-Site
    SCC, Europe’s largest independent IT services business, has announced the acquisition of Hobs On-Site Limited. Hobs On-Site are the business processing outsource division of the Hobs Group. The new business will be renamed M2 Managed Document Services and sit alongside M2, SCC’s existing specialist Managed Print Services (MPS) business. M2 was acquired in 2014 by...

    Long standing partner, M2, acquire Hobs On-Site

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