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    Blog: How the pandemic highlighted the paperless revolution
    Over the last two years, businesses all over the world have had to embrace paperless ways of working. But achieving this in an effective way proved to be much easier said than done. Within a very short space of time, organisations had to deal with the reality of employees being almost completely unable to access...

    Blog: How the pandemic highlighted the paperless revolution

    Blog: Key considerations when creating a long-term hybrid working strategy
    For many companies, remote working was hastily introduced at very short notice when the COVID-19 pandemic began, and then hybrid models began to emerge as offices gradually began to reopen again. While a short-term contingency approach was understandable at the time, companies are now having to consider how best to adapt their technology for a...

    Blog: Key considerations when creating a long-term hybrid working strategy

    Blog: How IoT technology can drive business efficiency and productivity
    With every passing day, the Internet of Things becomes a larger and more integral part of our personal and professional lives. A seemingly limitless array of connected devices, embedded with sensors and software, are helping make the things we do easier, faster, more efficient, and better informed. IoT is certainly now starting to make a...

    Blog: How IoT technology can drive business efficiency and productivity

    Blog: Establishing a seamless digital employee experience
    As we approach the end of the year, you’ll no doubt be considering the fact that the run-up to Christmas in the office is going to feel pretty different this year. With so many employees likely working from home some of the time – or maybe even all the time – the normal end-of-year spirit...

    Blog: Establishing a seamless digital employee experience