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    UK businesses committed to IT security despite COVID-19 challenges
    As the UK turns its attention to recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and enters a new way of working, new research from SCC suggests businesses are prepared to tackle the enhanced challenge of IT security head-on, despite the coronavirus crisis offering up new opportunities for would-be cyber criminals. According to SCC’s latest IT Insights Survey,...

    UK businesses committed to IT security despite COVID-19 challenges

    What is ransomware and how does it work?
    Every 14 seconds, somewhere in the world an organisation falls prey to a ransomware attack. That’s more than 250 attacks every hour, more than 6,000 per day, and precisely 43,200 each week. Considering that a single attack can target multiple organisations and users at once, the scale of the problem speaks for itself. That’s according...

    What is ransomware and how does it work?

    Are you ready to deal with a digital security emergency?
    You may have a business contingency plan in place and be ready to deal with an unexpected event that prevents you from accessing your IT systems. But dealing with a major infiltration of your systems, a significant loss of data, or a ransomware attack would pose difference challenges. Would you be able to cope? The...

    Are you ready to deal with a digital security emergency?

    Cyber Security: Is WannaCry still a threat?
    Just when you thought it was all over, WannaCry is still attempting to infect thousands of systems a month. Are you protected from this immortal cyber threat? The WannaCry ransomware attack will go down in history, thanks to the chaos it caused around the world, most notably with the NHS. There were 200,00 victims and...

    Cyber Security: Is WannaCry still a threat?

    Bridging the Cyber Security Gaps for your Business
    Online attacks and security breaches are not a new topic. In April last year the government’s Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2017 reported that almost half of UK firms had been hit by a cyber-attack or breach in the previous 12 months, whilst other reports have suggested that the UK is the target for one in...

    Bridging the Cyber Security Gaps for your Business

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